Mid West Ports is committed to protection of the marine environment and has objectives to:
- Protect benthic communities and habitats so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are maintained;
- Maintain safe navigable waters while sustaining natural processes that shape and protect the environmental values of the coast, and adapt to sea-level rise as a result of climate change;
- Maintain the quality of water, marine sediments and biota so that environmental values are protected; and
- Operate in balance with marine fauna so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are maintained.
Mid West Ports currently assesses marine water quality by conducting regular passive water quality monitoring and marine sediment monitoring within the commercial harbour and Champion Bay.
In 2020, Mid West Ports commissioned a Benthic Habitat Mapping Study and a Seagrass Health Survey to improve understanding of the marine habitats and seagrass health within Champion Bay, Port Grey, Geelvink Channel and Oakajee. MWPA will be undertaking further studies to maintain baseline data on marine benthic habitats in this region.
In 2021, Mid West Ports completed maintenance dredging of its commercial harbour and main shipping channel to return these assets to design depth. This program used a Nearshore Dredge Material Placement area off the coast of Bluff Point, designed to reintroduce and supplement sediment supply to the beaches north of the port.