Maintenance Dredging
Maintenance dredging removes naturally accumulated sediment from within the Port’s harbour and navigational channel to return it to its original design depth, and differs to capital dredging, which involves enlarging or deepening navigation channels.
Maintaining safe and efficient navigation is vital to supporting national and international trade, economic development in the Mid West region and its continued connection to global markets.
Integral to our operations is maintaining the balance between the continued development of a sustainable world-class Port, while protecting the unique marine and coastal environment in which we operate.
Why does Mid West Ports need to dredge?
The Commercial Harbour and Channel is a critical piece of infrastructure that supports regional industries such as agriculture, mining, transport and logistics, as well as tourism.
Left unmanaged, our port’s capability would be significantly reduced, with the flow on effect impacting local businesses and our community.
Public information package
This document provides a high-level overview of dredging at the Port of Geraldton, describing the importance of maintaining dredging activities and the process Mid West Ports used to plan, assess and manage the project. This document is designed for community members and interested parties seeking to understand more.
Public Information Package
2022 FBH Maintenance Dredging
Mid West Ports is undertaking maintenance dredging at the Fishing Boat Harbour (FBH) entrance and its surrounds, to remove accumulated sediments and maintain safe navigable depths into the FBH. Approximately 30,000m3 of material is proposed to be removed and beneficially re-used.
Mid West Ports started dredging the FBH entrance in early September, with the project likely to take 6 to 8 weeks to complete, dependent on weather.
As management reports and technical plans become available, we will upload them to this page for public access.
2022 FBH Maintenance Dredging Fact Sheet
Environmental Impact Assessments and Management Plans
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Management Plan
Dredging Environmental Management Plan
Technical appendices
Post-Dredge Water Quality Report
Post-Dredge Benthic Communities and Habitats Report
2021 Maintenance Dredging
In late 2021, Mid West Ports undertook maintenance dredging activities within Port waters to remove accumulated sediments from the Commercial Harbour and Main Shipping Channel. Approximately 140,000m3 of material was successfully removed from navigable areas, mainly the shipping channel.
Mid West Ports will continue to monitor the surrounding environment, including monitoring of our seagrass habitats, over the next two years.
Environmental Impact Assessments and Management Plans