Berth 6
Berth 6 is a multipurpose berth used for general break bulk cargo, livestock and mineral exports, fertiliser and fuel imports. A rock wall and steel sheet pile wall retain the hardstand behind the berth. Berth 6 was constructed in 1996. It consists of a 200mm reinforced precast concrete panel deck overlayed with 100mm of concrete, supported by steel beams and piles. In 1997 a grouted revetment protection mattress was installed under the wharf. The piles are fitted with sacrificial anodes. A section of the southern portion of the berth deck is strengthened to form a loadout bridge to accommodate heavier loads.

Berth Accommodation:
Length: 190m
Beam: 33m
Max Displacement 51,000t*
For information regarding the latest declared depths refer to Local Marine Notices.
*Berth 6 vessels with a vessel displacement greater than 45,000t and up to 51,000t require 3 tugs for berthing - additional tug charges will apply.
Refer Wharf Specification Book for load capacities and further information.