Berth 5
Berth 5 is primarily an iron ore export berth. The original 1988 structure has a rock wall retaining structure on the land side to protect the berth pocket and a sheet pile walls at the 3 approach ramps. The initial Berth 5 consists of a 600mm thick reinforced concrete deck supported by steel piles which are protected by sacrificial anodes. In 2008, an additional ship loader rail beam, mesh walkways, 5 berthing dolphins and a shiploader maintenance platform deck were fitted in front of the original berth deck. The maintenance platform consists of an insitu reinforced concrete deck on top of precast reinforced concrete planks that are supported by steel box girders.

Berth Accommodation:
Length: 229m
Beam: 33m
Max Displacement 55,000t*
For information regarding the latest declared depths refer to Local Marine Notices.
Any vessel looking to berth with a greater displacement will reviewed on a case by case basis and may require additional tugs.
Refer Wharf Specification Book for load capacities and further information.