Berth 4
Berth 4 is a bulk minerals berth. The berth was originally constructed in 1986 of a concrete deck on a two-way steel bream structure. The berth is supported on 245 steel piles. A new concrete deck was installed in 1996/1997 and dolphins, piles and beams constructed in 2003. The berth has a steel sheet pile wall and rock wall structure to retain the adjoining land.
In 2021, the original deck structure was reinforced and upgraded and new shiploader rails were installed.

Berth Accommodation:
Length: 229m
Beam: 33m
Max Displacement 55,000t*
For information regarding the latest declared depths refer to Local Marine Notices.
Any vessel looking to berth with a greater displacement will reviewed on a case by case basis and may require additional tugs.
Refer Wharf Specification Book for load capacities and further information.