Berth 3
Berth 3 is a dedicated grain berth, layup area and cruise ship mooring when grain exports permit. Berth 3 was originally constructed in 1928 as a concrete deck on concrete encased steel piles. The berth was refurbished with a new deck installed over the original slab in 1996/97. Steel piles were installed at mid-span and the berth was extended. The extended berth deck is supported by a two way spanning steel beam system. The berth pocket is protected from land slip by a steel sheet pile wall anchored by steel ties.
In 2003, dolphins, steel piles and beams were installed. A grain ship loader and associated conveyor system are owned, operated and managed by Cooperative Bulk Handling (CBH).

Berth Accommodation:
Length: 230m
Beam: 34m
Max Displacement 55,000t*
For information regarding the latest declared depths refer to Local Marine Notices.
Any vessel looking to berth with a greater displacement will be reviewed on a case by case basis and may require additional tugs.
Refer Wharf Specification Book for load capacities and further information.