Berths 1 and 2 were constructed in 1928 as a concrete deck on concrete encased steel piles. The substructure under the deck includes concrete beams and headstocks. A concrete sea wall protects the berth pocket by retaining the adjoining land. The berth was upgraded in 1999/2000 by installing a new deck on top of the existing concrete slab and installing ‘tie backs’ to the sea wall. The new deck was structurally connected to the existing piles. The old deck and beams remain in place.

Berth 1 and 2 are used for small vessels and as a multipurpose vessel layup. Both berths have a berthing depth of 8.6 m.
Berth 1
Length: 50m
Max Displacement 1000t
Berth 2
Length: 225m
Beam: 33m
Max Displacement 27,000t*
For information regarding the latest declared depths refer to Local Marine Notices
Any vessel looking to berth with a greater displacement will reviewed on a case by case basis and may require additional tugs
Refer Wharf Specification Book for load capacities and further information.