MWPA Offshore Met Wind Data (Beacon 1 Met 1)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Wind Direction E
Wind Speed(10 min average) 8kn
Gust (2min) 10kn
Barometer 1024.2hPa
Sea Temp -99.9°
Air Temp 1.5°
Offshore Met Wind Data (Beacon 1)
MWPA Offshore Met Wind Data (Beacon 1 Met 2)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Wind Direction E
Wind Speed(10 min average) 7kn
Gust (2min) 10kn
Barometer 1024hPa
Sea Temp -99.9°
Air Temp 1.5°
Offshore Met Wind Data (Beacon 1)
MWPA Near Coast Met Wind Data (Beacon 18)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Wind Direction E
Wind Speed(10 min average) 7kn
Gust (2min) 9kn
Barometer 1024.4hPa
Sea Temp -99.9°
Air Temp 1.3°
Offshore Met Wind Data (Beacon 1)
Outer Channel Waverider (B2)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Swell (Hs) 2.15m
Mean Period 12.1sec
Peak Energy Period 12.6sec
Sea (Hs) 0.89m
Mean Period 5.5sec
Peak Energy Period 7.9sec
Total (Hs) 2.33m
Mean Period 10.3sec
Peak Energy Period 12.6sec
Maximum Single Wave 3.42m
(recorded previous 15 minutes)
Period 13.6sec
Length 152m
Main Shipping Channel Entrance Wave Data
Date Time Total Sea Swell
    Height Period Height Period Height Period
20/07/2024 1:00:00 AM 2.2m 10.03s 0.94m 5.87s 1.98m 11.95s
20/07/2024 12:45:00 AM 2.46m 10.55s 0.9m 5.74s 2.29m 12.12s
20/07/2024 12:30:00 AM 2.53m 10.59s 0.88m 5.58s 2.38m 12.06s
20/07/2024 12:15:00 AM 2.25m 10.1s 0.93m 5.68s 2.05m 12.03s
20/07/2024 12:00:00 AM 2.31m 10.21s 0.87m 5.51s 2.13m 11.91s
19/07/2024 11:45:00 PM 2.47m 10.48s 0.88m 5.58s 2.3m 12.01s
19/07/2024 11:30:00 PM 2.6m 10.46s 0.97m 5.67s 2.41m 12.12s

Hs, the Significant Wave Height, may be defined as the average of the highest one-third of waves and is sometimes described as the wave height which would be reported by an experienced observer. The wave climate at any location can be, and usually is, a combination of sea and swell and is often referred to as the total wave. At Geraldton, the division of sea and swell has been set as 8 second period waves.

Main Shipping Channel Entrance Wave Data (Beacon 1 AWAC)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Swell (Hs) 2.16m
Mean Period 11.8sec
Peak Energy Period 13.6sec
Sea (Hs) 1.07m
Mean Period 5.4sec
Peak Energy Period 7.8sec
Total (Hs) 2.41m
Mean Period 9.6sec
Peak Energy Period 13.6sec
Maximum Single Wave 4.14m
(recorded previous 15 minutes)
Period 11.4sec
Length 120m
Main Shipping Channel Entrance Wave Data
Date Time Total Sea Swell
    Height Period Height Period Height Period
20/07/2024 12:58:00 AM 2.54m 10.48s 0.97m 5.35s 2.35m 12.56s
20/07/2024 12:38:00 AM 2.43m 9.94s 1.02m 5.46s 2.2m 12.09s
20/07/2024 12:18:00 AM 2.49m 10.02s 0.98m 5.23s 2.29m 12.06s
19/07/2024 11:58:00 PM 2.64m 10.3s 1.03m 5.32s 2.43m 12.38s
19/07/2024 11:38:00 PM 2.57m 10.05s 1.03m 5.27s 2.36m 12.16s
19/07/2024 11:18:00 PM 2.46m 9.88s 1.06m 5.3s 2.22m 12.29s
19/07/2024 10:58:00 PM 2.45m 10.08s 0.9m 5s 2.28m 11.99s

Hs, the Significant Wave Height, may be defined as the average of the highest one-third of waves and is sometimes described as the wave height which would be reported by an experienced observer. The wave climate at any location can be, and usually is, a combination of sea and swell and is often referred to as the total wave. At Geraldton, the division of sea and swell has been set as 8 second period waves.

Main Shipping Channel Entrance Wave Data (Beacon 2 AWAC)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Swell (Hs) 2.48m
Mean Period 12.1sec
Peak Energy Period 13.8sec
Sea (Hs) 0.96m
Mean Period 4.9sec
Peak Energy Period 7.6sec
Total (Hs) 2.66m
Mean Period 10.1sec
Peak Energy Period 13.8sec
Maximum Single Wave 3.76m
(recorded previous 15 minutes)
Period 11.7sec
Length 127m
Main Shipping Channel Entrance Wave Data
Date Time Total Sea Swell
    Height Period Height Period Height Period
20/07/2024 12:40:00 AM 2.43m 10.06s 0.94m 5.21s 2.24m 12.04s
20/07/2024 12:20:00 AM 2.86m 10.44s 1m 5.1s 2.68m 12.24s
20/07/2024 12:00:00 AM 2.49m 9.92s 1.05m 5.35s 2.25m 12.17s
19/07/2024 11:40:00 PM 2.39m 10.24s 0.8m 4.75s 2.25m 11.98s
19/07/2024 11:20:00 PM 2.35m 10.13s 0.87m 5.02s 2.18m 12.08s
19/07/2024 11:00:00 PM 2.44m 9.86s 0.98m 5.14s 2.23m 12.01s
19/07/2024 10:40:00 PM 2.37m 9.91s 1.03m 5.36s 2.13m 12.35s

Hs, the Significant Wave Height, may be defined as the average of the highest one-third of waves and is sometimes described as the wave height which would be reported by an experienced observer. The wave climate at any location can be, and usually is, a combination of sea and swell and is often referred to as the total wave. At Geraldton, the division of sea and swell has been set as 8 second period waves.

Tide (Pilot Boat Harbour)

Geraldton Recorded Tide
0.63m LAT

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Data Breakdown
Residual -5cm
Predicted 0.68m LAT
Data Breakdown
Next Time LAT
High Water 8:15:00 AM 1.12m
Low Water 5:46:00 PM 0.3m
High Water 9:05:00 AM 1.14m
Low Water 6:11:00 PM 0.29m

Unofficial Predictions

Data Breakdown
Date Time Recorded LAT Predicted LAT Residual
20/07/2024 1:15:00 AM 0.63m 0.68m -0.05m
20/07/2024 1:10:00 AM 0.61m 0.68m -0.07m
20/07/2024 1:05:00 AM 0.64m 0.68m -0.04m
20/07/2024 1:00:00 AM 0.61m 0.67m -0.06m
Current – Outer Channel (Beacon 1 AWAC)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Upper 1/3: 0.19 kt to 251.9°(W)

Upper 1/3
Vector Averaged Current in knot - Upper Third of Full Depth
Current – Outer Channel (Beacon 2 AWAC)


Saturday, 20 July 2024

Upper 1/3: 0.26 kt to 265.1°(W)

Upper 1/3
Vector Averaged Current in knot - Upper Third of Full Depth
Air Temperature (Beacon 1)

Sea Temperature

Sea Temperature (Beacon 1 AWAC)

Sea Temperature