Access to Mid West Ports Authority

Mid West Ports is a security-regulated port.  Access to the landside restricted zone is subject to higher security measures than other areas and has been established to restrict general public access and prevent interference with ships, people, vehicles or vessels.

Mid West Ports must not allow a person to enter, or remain in, a maritime security zone unless the person is properly displaying a blue MSIC or a temporary MSIC or is escorted by a person who is properly displaying a blue MSIC or a temporary MSIC. All persons accessing the Maritime Security Zones, must additionally have a valid Port induction.

An MSIC is required by any person whose occupation or business interests require, or will require, him or her to have unmonitored access to a maritime security zone more than once each year. A person who requires access and does not hold an MSIC  can gain temporary access as a visitor. All visitors must be monitored or escorted whilst they are in the Maritime Security Zone  by a valid MSIC holder and visitors will be issued a visitor pass.

To apply for an MSIC please click here.

Applications for Access

To ensure access into the Port's secure zone is not denied, applications must be submitted to [email protected] or in person at the reception of 5 Chapman Road, Geraldton, noting the processing cut off times for the port access office each day.

Monday: 4pm

Tuesday: 11am

Wednesday: 4pm

Thursday: Port access office closed

Friday: 2pm

Saturday: Port access office closed

Sunday: Port access office closed

Public Holiday: Port access office closed

The port access office is not available after hours, weekends or public holidays.  Applications submitted outside of the listed hours will not be processed until the following business day and entry will be denied if sought.

Required Documents

Prior to gaining access to the Geraldton Port your MSIC has to be registered with Mid West Ports Authority regardless of which issuing body provided it.

You must complete in full, including all signatures where required, and return via email:

  • Port Access Application
  • Letter of Operational Need
  • Colour copy of the front and back of your MSIC, ensuring all details, including any numbers on the back, are visible.

Employer details on the port access application and letters of operational need must be completed and signed by a company representative (not by the applicant). All persons entering the ports secure zone must have completed Mid West Ports' online induction.

Forms and Templates