Geraldton Vessel Traffic Information

Geraldton Port operates a Marine Traffic Service to the VTS standard of an Information Service for the gazetted port waters and approaches.

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic management controls, the coverage of Geraldton Port VHF Channel 11 is currently limited. Ships are required to email their agents the date and time of the following occurrences, and are NOT required to contact the Port on VHF, to confirm the following:

  • Entering or departing port waters;
  • Prior to anchoring;
  • Once anchored;
  • Repositioning in assigned anchorage;
  • Heaving anchor to meet Pilot; or
  • Heaving anchor to depart anchorage to drift/slow steam due to poor weather/sea conditions. Agents will then forward this information to the Port.

In the case of an emergency, ships are to use all available means, and initially try to contact “Geraldton Port” on VHF Channels 11 and 16. If nothing is received, ships are to then call the 24 hour Duty Ship Scheduler number on +61 (0) 8 9964 0505. This number is only to be used in emergency situations.


Ch 11: Geraldton Harbour

Ch 08: Tug Working Channel

Ch 06: Secondary Tug Working Channel

Vessels should avoid using the above channels for ship to ship radio comms.

Vessel anchorage positions are marked on chart AUS81 and the ship scheduler provides written advice, pertaining to assigned anchorages and scheduled shipping movements, to all agents Monday to Sunday.

Advice is also provided to all ships regarding impending strong winds or heavy swell.

All shipping movements in port waters are controlled by and subject to the directions of the Harbour Master.

All vessels are required to submit an “Application for Berth” to the Mid West Ports Authority a minimum of four days prior to arrival and must comply with the requirements of Geraldton Harbour Control and the Harbour Master.  

Activities undertaken by Geraldton VTI:

  1. To collect and monitor information on vessel traffic movements within the port waters area
  2.  To receive information from appropriate sources reasonably available on predicted vessel movements, hazards to navigation, discrepancies in aids to navigation and any other information which is likely to be of relevance to port users
  3. To provide pertinent information to port users on request
  4. To ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that the quantity and quality of the information provided to ports users is appropriate to assisting vessels in their shipboard navigational decision making

Vessels are expected to:

  1. Remain clear of a navigation channel until the Pilot has boarded unless the ship is Pilot exempt or advised by Geraldton Harbour
  2. Not proceed to the pilot boarding ground unless you have received written advice from your agent with your confirmed berthing schedule
  3. Only anchor in designated anchorage areas unless permission is given to use an alternate anchor position by the Pilot or Geraldton Harbour
  4. Monitor Marine VHF Channels 11 and 16 while underway and at anchor
  5. Report to Geraldton Harbour any discrepancies in aids to navigation or hazards to navigation that may be observed by the vessel while in port waters
  6. Report to Geraldton Harbour any deficiencies that develop on board after the vessel has entered port waters
  7. Comply with relevant International, Commonwealth and State legislation and regulations
  8. Shipping Arrival Information Sheet

Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 35 meters LOA.



Call on Channel 16 - Working Channel 11

Contact: Duty Pilot
Phone (24 Hours): (08) 9964 0505

[email protected]