Mid West Ports is the accredited Rail Infrastructure Manager for the Port’s rail terminal and is responsible for the management of approximately 7km of track which forms a network comprising of 4 main tracks and 12 turnouts. The track is narrow gauge (NG) with rail weights varying between 40 kg/m (80 lb /yd. Commonwealth) to 60 kg/m. The maximum speed within the Geraldton Port Rail Corridor is 10kph. Mid West Ports' responsibility for track maintenance and repair commences at the boundary which runs through the Connell Rd level crossing.

Mid West Ports' Rail Corridor comprises 4 tracks provide for operating flexibility:
Track 1 Grain discharge track;
Track 2 Bottom discharge ore dumper track;
Track 3 Single run around track; and
Track 4 Rotary twin cell car dumper track.

There are 3 bulk discharge facilities within the Rail Terminal, two for iron ore and one for grain trains together with rail track, 12 turnout points and various crossings to facilitate movement through the
terminal. Ownership and management responsibility for rail facilities varies throughout the terminal as summarised below:
The common user bottom discharge iron ore facility on Track 2 is owned and operated by Mid West Ports;
The port grain facility inclusive of the train load / unload facility on Track 1 is owned and operated by CBH Ltd; and
The Karara Mining Ltd (KML) wagon dumper discharge facility and the rail siding on which it is located (Track 4) are owned and operated by KML.