Waste Management

MWPA supports the principles of waste management: avoidance, reduction, reuse, treatment and disposal; in order to reduce the amount of waste disposed of at landfill.  MWPA segregates its operational waste streams to enable management in accordance with environmental legislation, as well as treatment and recycling where possible.

Currently, the following MWPA waste streams are recycled: cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, scrap metal, and printer cartridges.  As improved services become available within the region MWPA will investigate options to increase the recycling of waste streams.

Leaseholders are expected to manage their own waste streams in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Discharge of waste into the marine environment is, in most cases, either prohibited or requires written permission from MWPA.  Discharge of waste ashore is subject to strict Biosecurity requirements as determined by the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and is only permitted by a licensed waste contractor. 

MWPA provides “Biosecurity Controlled (Quarantine)” waste receptacles for garbage including plastic and food waste. Shipping Agents can make arrangements directly with local waste management companies to arrange collection of any hazardous or liquid wastes. 

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