Wharf 4 Strengthening and Rail Replacement Project (2021)
The Wharf 4 Strengthening and Rail Replacement Project will build investor and economic confidence in the Mid West region through the provision of strategic infrastructure which facilitates a bold supply chain.
The original Wharf 4 structure was constructed in 1965 and reached the end of its design life in 2015. Over time numerous improvements and additions have been made to the wharf to accommodate for larger vessels and infrastructure capabilities. Since commencement of wharf service, vessel displacement had increased to 3 times larger, the existing ship loader weighed approximately 3.5 times more than the original, and the use of Shore Tension Units (STUs) result in mooring forces 60% higher than the rated capacity of the bollards.
In 2016, the port imposed load restrictions on the use of Wharf 4 in response to the deteriorating condition and capacity of the wharf deck slab and ship loader rails. This project strengthened the wharf and replaced the rail to improve the structural integrity of the asset, ensuring that further deterioration did not occur and the port continues to provide the capacity to service its customers.
The upgrade extended the design service life of the structure by another 25 years and will allow for the continuation of mineral sands and concentrates shipping through Wharf 4, a vital segment of the port’s export capabilities and service.
Significant local employment and business opportunities were realised through the life of this project. Local sub-contractors were utilised for a considerable portion of the contract, resulting in employment opportunities and economic benefit being directly injected into the Mid West economy.