Air Quality Monitoring
Managing and monitoring Ambient Air Quality is a key focus at Mid West Ports. Conscious of the impact of our operations on the surrounding environment and community, Mid West Ports aims to continually improve our environmental performance. Ambient air quality is monitored around the Geraldton Port boundary using an extensive network of air monitoring equipment. Where possible, we provide air quality information in real-time to our Port community.
Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring
Port Total Average Dust


What do the numbers mean?
Dust Measurements
Dust is a general term used to describe small solid particles in the air. PM10 is a category of dust and are very fine particles smaller than 10 microns, they are not visible to the naked eye. The amount of dust particles in the atmosphere is measured in micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3).
The World Health Organisation (WHO) provides guidelines around suitable levels of exposure to PM10 over a 24-hour period.
Air Quality Index
An air quality index is used to help interpret air quality data and reduce the complexity of air emission concentrations. The air quality index is comprised of five categories describing the air quality condition; Very Good to Very Poor.
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Air Quality Index, displays air quality information from across Western Australia.
Wind Conditions
The wind is labelled according to the direction from which it originates. For example, a ‘south-east wind’ blows from a south-easterly direction.
Wind speed descriptions use the Beaufort Wind Scale, ranging from Calm to Violent Storm.
Mid West Ports Authority operates a network of four air monitoring stations situated at the Port boundary. Data on the Mid West Ports Authority Ambient Air Portal comes directly from our air monitoring stations. The data may contain instrument errors, power interruptions and other technical issues. As such the dust measurements shown above are unvalidated data, updated as per the time period indicated. We voluntarily make available this information as a useful tool for our Port community; however, it is important to remember that the dust measurement shown should not be relied on as final.